Trade Currency


If you have ever needed money to buy things on ROBLOX, but you lack Builders Club, then this blog post will help you tremendously.

Trade currency is a system on ROBLOX that allows you to convert one type of currency to another (i.e trade in x amount of tickets for x amount of robux).  Seeing that robux is used in a lot more things than tix are and are worth more than tix, you can’t get 300 robux for 300 tix. The ratio of robux to tix and vice versa fluctuates every day.

How To Get To and Use Trade Currency:

If you do not know how to get to the trade currency page, then read the the next few paragraphs. First, press the icon on the top that has the ticket next to a number. It looks like this:

Featured image

Once you have clicked that, a list with two items should show up below it. The first item shows how many tickets you have and the second should say “Trade Currency.” Click on this and a new page should show up. On the far left you will see a button that says “Trade.” It looks like this:

Featured image

Press that button and a box should pop up. From there you can type in how many robux or tickets you want to give in the box next to the text that says “What I’ll give:”. You can change between giving robux and tickets by clicking on the drop down box under “What I’ll give:” and pressing robux or tickets. When you type in how much robux/tickets you will give, below the box that lets you select what currency you are giving, you should see “What I’ll get:” next to however much of the opposite currency you will get.

In my next lesson, I will teach you how to manipulate the trade currency system. You can end up getting a fair amount of robux from simply using the trade currency system to your advantage; you just need the right ratio.

Now you know a new feature on ROBLOX.  I hope you have fun using it and that this was helpful to you.

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